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Hamster Free Ovulation Calendar Download

  • The impact of the rise in parental age on kids and parents

    With late marriages and career preferences, now people opt to have babies later when they have more resources and experience to care for kids. But time and again, questions have been raised on whether having babies late may impact the development of the kids.

  • 4 false alarms of miscarriage

    There is a constant fear of the safety and growth of the baby. Even the slightest change in the daily routine or any health concern would scare them. Several symptoms are misinterpreted as miscarriage.

  • Planning pregnancy? Tips to prepare yourself to increase chances of conceiving

    Having a healthy pregnancy and baby starts before you get pregnant. For that, it is essential to prepare yourself emotionally as well as physically.

  • Some common birth control options that you must know about

    The risk of unplanned pregnancy is always rife when you engage in protected sex. Besides, there is also a risk of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) in the case of multiple sexual partners.

  • Best age to get pregnant if you have PCOS

    Not only can suffering from PCOS cause irregular periods, hormonal disruptions and impact health, women who suffer from the condition can also face a tough time conceiving, or in extreme cases, cause several fertility issues as well.

  • Types of ovarian cysts in PCOS which can impact fertility

    PCOS is a chronic condition in females that impacts 5-13% of those in the reproductive age group.

  • Getting pregnant after miscarriage: All you need to know

    The fear of trying to conceive for the second time may linger longer than expected.

  • 5 things to keep in mind before you begin your IVF journey

    As per data from the Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction, infertility affects around 10 to 14 per cent of the Indian population.

  • Age and fertility: Your chances of getting pregnant at every age

    Although it is completely a personal choice when to have a baby, the fact remains that our reproductive system does not work according to our will.

  • IVF treatment: Common myths busted

    In-vitro fertilization, commonly called IVF, is a fertility treatment that has helped many women achieve their dream of having a baby when they were not able to conceive naturally.

  • Signs of ovulation you can look out for if you are planning to conceive

    If you are planning to conceive, you might be aware of the fact that having sex five days before and on the day of ovulation can improve your odds of conceiving.

  • How long does it take to get pregnant?

    Pregnancy might happen quite fast for some, while others might take months or even years to conceive.

  • Neha Dhupia's prenatal yoga routine is a motivation for all moms-to-be

    Actress Neha Dhupia, who's expecting her second child recently shared a video on Instagram displaying her prenatal yoga routine encompassing a variety of stretches and asanas.

  • How soon can you take a pregnancy test?

    How soon should you take a pregnancy test depends on the type of pregnancy test you are taking. All pregnancy tests measure the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) (pregnancy hormone) in the body.

  • Tell-tale signs you're ready to have a baby

    Men and women are often confused about the next step in their relationship and are terrified of taking up responsibilities. Being a parent is a massive role and therefore needs a lot of consideration. So when do you really know if you're ready? To answer that, here are some signs that can tell you whether or not you're all up for it.

  • What is False Pregnancy and how to identify it?

    Pregnancy is considered to be one of the most anticipated moments in a woman's life. Although many times there are false alarms which makes a woman suspicious about being pregnant

  • Signs of infertility in women that should not be ignored

    The female body goes through innumerable changes and alterations during a lifetime. From touching puberty to experiencing pregnancy to reaching a state of menopause, women not only have the pleasure of experiencing some of the most beautiful moments, but they have to overcome many physical challenges.

  • Debunking myths around infertility and its treatment

    Giving birth to a child is no doubt a blessing. It is highly celebrated amongst family and friends and is considered to be extremely wondrous. Therefore, when a person has difficulty in conceiving or is diagnosed with infertility, it becomes a matter of great concern and sometimes, even shame.

  • What you need to know about conceiving after a miscarriage?

    Carrying a life in you and giving birth to it nine months later is an experience you will never forget. But similarly, losing a child is also an experience motherhood brings along. As disheartening as it may be, it is not the end. While the loss is immeasurable, you can still try conceiving after a miscarriage.

  • Nutrition tips to follow before you begin your fertility treatment

    Being overweight has been linked to 30 per cent of infertility cases.

  • Can massages increase your chances of getting pregnant?

    Getting pregnant might be a long struggle for some and super easy for others.

  • 5 herbs that can help you get pregnant

    Some recent studies have found that certain herbs can have a positive effect on fertility.

  • Can endometriosis cause infertility? Here is all that you need to know

    Are your periods very painful? Do you feel fatigued and suffer from lower, abdomen and pelvic pain during your periods?

  • Is it alright to take a pregnancy test at night?

    Most of us rely on a home pregnancy testing kit to get the primary confirmation, only after this we opt for proper lab testing.

  • Pregnancy care: Precautions to take during high-risk pregnancy

    As wonderful as the idea of giving birth seems, it is as exhaustive and prone to risks. While some women have it easy, others can fall into high-risk categories, which can make it a matter of great concern. In such scenarios, it is important to take necessary measures to ensure a safe pregnancy and to have a healthy baby.

  • What is endometriosis and how can it affect fertility?

    The term endometriosis comes from the word 'endometrium', which is the uterine lining developed by your body each month in preparation for egg implantation.

  • How late is too late to have a baby

    From higher education to economic stability, there are various reasons women delay the process of childbearing.

  • Getting pregnant in your 20s, 30s and 40s: What you need to know

    Pregnancy is an experience governed by a woman's choice. It is not something that can be imposed or forced, but given the biological risks associated with late pregnancy, some women might feel the need to conceive sooner.

  • 5 things that could be harming your fertility

    There are many reasons why a couple might find it hard to conceive. Disease, drugs, heredity, lifestyle habits or even exposure to certain chemicals, all can affect fertility.

  • New Zealand passes 'bereavement bill' allowing paid leaves for parents who suffer from a miscarriage

    Titled as 'The Bereavement Bill', the new law allows mothers and their partners who suffer from a miscarriage or stillbirth to get upto 3 days of paid leave, and not have to contemplate taking a sick leave.

  • At what age will you have kids, as per your zodiac sign

    Whether you're in your early 20s or are nearing your 30s or have crossed over to reach your 40s, there is never a right age to get married or have kids. Surely, becoming a parent at an early age has its own pros, but it is not devoid of different cons. Similarly, parenting becomes much more easier when you're older and more settled in life, but then again, there are a whole lot of problems looking to torment you.

  • REVEALED: Noisy bedroom can be a reason for fertility issues in men

    According to a study, exposure to loud night while sleeping at night can increase the risk of infertility in men.

  • How to know if you are ready for a second baby?

    A lot of things have to be evaluated like your age, the age of your firstborn (in case you are planning for a second one) and your financial situation, before coming to any decision.

  • How to get pregnant when suffering from PCOS

    Its general symptoms include irregular periods and obesity, which make it difficult for women to conceive. Data suggests that about 10 per cent of the women belonging to reproductive age in India suffer from this condition and often have to deal with infertility issues.

  • What is the right time to get pregnant?

    Each month you get a brief window to conceive and if you miss the opportunity you will have to wait until the next one.

  • Late-night use of gadgets can cause male infertility: Study

    Accept it or not, most of us have a habit of scrolling through our phones or binge-watching serials right before we go to sleep.

  • Planning to start a family this year, here are 5 fertility tips

    Either you blame it on your sedentary lifestyle or increased stress, the problem of infertility is increasing among women and men.

  • Pros and cons of embracing motherhood in the late 30s

    It is a dream of every couple to become proud parents and introduce a new life into this world.

  • Vastu tips to help conceive a child

    In today's world couples have children out of their will. However, we are seeing a lot of cases of failed conceiving and that is due to a number of causes.

  • What is false pregnancy and what do you need to know about it

    Missed period, sore breast, nausea without vomiting all are associated with the early signs of pregnancy.

  • Tips to keep in mind while deciding to opt for IVF treatment

    Though the number of couples using IVF has increased exponentially in recent years, many couples are still reluctant to use it for fear of having an abnormal child, believing that the process of conception is 'unnatural'.

  • When is the right time to take the pregnancy test?

    With over-the-counter (OTC) pregnancy tests now, you do not have to wait long to know whether you are expecting or not.

  • Getting pregnant with PCOS: A guide to conceiving naturally

    PCOS remains to be one of the leading causes of infertility and many struggle conceiving because of their unpleasant diagnosis.

  • How you're likely to handle your pregnancy, as per your zodiac sign

    Becoming pregnant is one of the most beautiful moments in a woman's life. Apart from the joys of giving birth and creating life, it also teaches you the importance of love and patience. However, the journey itself varies from one woman to another.

  • Planning a baby? 6 fertility myths you should stop believing

    Truth be told, there are so many tips and myths people believe about conception, it can be hard to determine which works and which doesn't.

  • Know the best time to get pregnant, according to your zodiac sign

    If you are planning to conceive anytime in future, here are a few tips related to the best time to get pregnant, according to your zodiac sign.

  • All you need to know about egg freezing and how it is done

    Society and patterns in childbirth have changed, but the biological realities of fertility remain the same. Getting pregnant in the 20s is easier as compared to late 30s and 40s.

  • Mental wellbeing of expecting parents

    Preparing to have a baby come into your life can be an exciting time and a challenging one.

  • Feeling pregnant but tests showing negative? Here are five possible reasons behind it

    Here are some reasons due to which you might feel pregnant but actually aren't.

  • See pics: These celebrities got pregnant before their marriage

    From breaking stereotypes to giving mom goals, these famous celebrities got pregnant before marriage and set their own rules like a pro.

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